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PRP Therapy for Hair Loss in Turkey: Combining Hair Transplant with Platelet-Rich Plasma

By Prof. Dr. Soner Tatlidede 2024-03-11

Hair loss can be a frustrating concern. However, fortunately, advancements in hair restoration offer new possibilities for us. This article will explore PRP therapy, its process, advantages, potential side effects, and the possibility of its use with hair transplants.

  • What is PRP or platelet-rich plasma therapy?
  • How is PRP therapy for hair loss done?
  • Advantages and disadvantages of PRP hair treatment
  • PRP therapy benefits
  • PRP therapy & hair transplant
  • PRP therapy for hair loss side effects
  • How long does PRP last for hair loss?
  • How many PRP sessions are needed for hair growth?
  • PRP therapy for hair loss cost in Turkey

What is PRP or platelet-rich plasma therapy?

PRP _ platelet-rich plasma_ therapy depends on your own blood's ability to heal hair loss.

It involves injecting a concentrated solution of platelets, (rich in growth factors) into the scalp. These growth factors may stimulate hair follicles, promote hair regrowth, and enhance healing and tissue regeneration.

Although the mechanism of this process is still being researched, PRP offers a minimally invasive approach to potentially address hair loss.

How is PRP therapy for hair loss done? 

PRP therapy for hair loss is based on your own blood's ability to stimulate hair growth. Let's see how PRP therapy works step by step:

  1. Blood draw: First the doctor draws a small amount (0-60 milliliters) of your blood, typically from your arm.
  2. Centrifugation: in this stage, the blood is placed in a centrifuge, which is a machine that spins rapidly to separate different components based on their density.  After almost 10 minutes, your blood will separate into three layers:
  • Platelet-poor plasma: this is the liquid portion with minimal platelets.
  • Platelet-rich plasma (PRP): is the desired layer. It includes concentrated platelets rich in growth factors.
  • Red blood cells: are the bottom layer, it contains the majority of red blood cells.
  1. Injection: the extracted PRP is drawn into a syringe, carefully injected into the affected areas of the scalp where hair loss or growth requires improvement.

Advantages and disadvantages of PRP hair treatment

PRP therapy provides a unique set of advantages, but may have some side effects to consider. If you examine both sides of the coin, you can help yourself make an informed decision about it.

PRP therapy benefits

PRP therapy offers many potential benefits for hair health and restoration:

  • Hair growth stimulating: PRP _Platelet-rich plasma_ may promote hair growth by increasing the diameter of existing hairs and boosting the density of new growth. Therefore, PRP therapy could be beneficial for people who experience many types of hair loss, such as androgenetic alopecia and alopecia areata.
  • Hair follicle strengthening : PRP (Platelet-rich plasma) therapy may also increase collagen production, which can in turn strengthen hair follicles and potentially reduce hair loss.

But, it's necessary to know that research on PRP's effectiveness is still ongoing, and the results may vary from person to person.

PRP therapy & hair transplant

Hair transplants and PRP therapy can be powerful through your hair restoration or transplantation journey. Hair transplant can address hair loss directly, but PRP therapy can support the process.

PRP injections _rich in growth factors _  may promote healing after a transplant, leading to better graft survival and improved long-term results.

Together can maximize your chances of achieving a healthy, natural-looking head of hair. However, as we said before, it is right that research is promising, individual experiences may vary and more studies are needed.

Prp therapy for hair loss side effects

Generally PRP therapy is considered a safe treatment with minimal risk of transmitting diseases due to using your blood, but , it may be accompanied with some side effects :

  • Mild Discomfort: some people may experience temporary pain or discomfort during the injection.
  • Minor reaction : following the procedure, you may experience localized side effects, such as headaches, itching, swelling, and temporary discoloration at the injection sites.

It's very necessary to know that reactions can vary from person to person.  So, you are advised to consult a healthcare professional discussing the potential side effects. This may help you determine if PRP therapy is good for your specific needs and health situation.

How long does PRP last for hair loss?

The lasting effects of PRP _platelet-rich plasma_ for hair loss can vary from person to person. While some studies show benefits lasting up to 12 months, others suggest maintenance sessions every 6 months to ensure optimal results. Individual experiences can differ, so, you are advised to consult a healthcare professional to guide you in this topic.

How many PRP sessions are needed for hair growth?

The number of PRP sessions needed for hair growth can vary. Some studies suggest a range of 4 injections every 15 days for 3 months to 3 monthly injections for 6 months. It is very necessary to consult a healthcare professional who can help you plan your personalized treatment.

PRP therapy for hair loss cost in Turkey

PRP _platelet-rich plasma_ therapy for hair loss in Turkey typically costs less compared to the same procedure in many other countries. However, the exact cost may vary depending on the following  factors such as:

  • The clinic reputation and experience : highly regarded clinics which have experienced doctors might charge slightly more.
  • The location within Turkey : costs may vary slightly depending on the specific city or region.
  • The number of PRP sessions : the total cost rises with the number of sessions you have.
  • Any additional services : Some clinics may offer packages that include consultations, post-treatment medications, or other services. These extra services may influence the overall cost.

You are advised to consult with reputable clinics in Turkey is crucial to obtain accurate cost estimates for your sessions.



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